Mastering Leadership™

Mastering Leadership is a powerful three-day leadership and team development experience. It focuses on developing leadership mastery. It teaches the practices of “inside-out” leadership development.

Mastering anything takes practice. If you want to learn to fly an airplane, you have to get in the cockpit with a seasoned instructor and practice specific skill sets. Practicing your golf swing may improve your handicap, but it won’t help you do a cross-wind landing. In the same way, there is a specific set of practices that naturally develop creative, courageous, collaborative and visionary leadership. Most of us are not familiar with these practices and therefore do not know the “inside-out” process of developing strong effective leadership in ourselves and in others.

Our ability to develop into effective leaders is further complicated: we are surrounded with management styles that react to circumstances with an excess of caution, aggression, drama or fear. This is what passes for leadership in most organizations. This workshop explores leadership from the hub of the political realities found in most organizations. It helps managers and teams experience the conflicting tensions within the politics of organizational life. In this way it helps leaders and teams work with greater vision, courage and authenticity.

Mastering Leadership is highly experiential. Participants learn by doing and reflecting.

Program Benefits

By the conclusion of the Mastering Leadership workshop, participants will have:

  • Clarity about the results that really matter and must be realized through their work. This knowledge becomes a source of individual power and supports team alignment.
  • Courage to move toward their vision for the organization, individually and collectively, and know how to build high levels of alignment, trust and teamwork within the group.
  • Deeper insight into how they keep themselves stuck in self-limiting patterns of behavior. They will also gain the resources for moving beyond those patterns.
  • Skills for practicing authentic and courageous conversation. They will experience
  • greater ease in stepping up to uncomfortable issues and resolving them in ways that result in lasting change.
  • More compassion, and thereby, greater effectiveness in dealing with themselves and others in difficult performance areas.
  • Enhanced awareness when they are operating out of a Problem-Reactive orientation and the skills to shift into an Outcome-Creating stance.
  • Confidence to continue their own empowerment (and that of others) and enjoy increased mastery of their own creative process long after the workshop is over. They will gain the ability to consistently create the results that are most important in their lives and work.
  • Quotes

    “The movement from patriarchy to partnership is a global evolution of historic proportions.”

    ~ Bob Anderson

  • Testimonials

    “Her ability to understand our unique culture and bring in a fresh perspective was the perfect blend of skills to affect positive change in our organization.”

    ~ Senior Leader, Higher Education

  • Resources

    Learn more about the tools, books, and organizations that influence our practice.