
  • Quotes

    “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.”

    ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Testimonials

    “Coaching has opened my eyes to new perspectives and ideas that I just couldn’t see before. I have been far more willing to take action and make changes in my leadership style because of the level of trust and commitment in our coaching relationship.”

    ~ Business Entrepreneur

  • Resources

    Learn more about the tools, books, and organizations that influence our practice.

Leadership Development

Effective leadership has never been more important than it is today. The difference between success and greatness lies in our ability to lead ourselves and others. We recognize that organizations can succeed by simply having a great product or service, however it requires effective leadership to realize and sustain great results. We believe that every person has the ability and the desire to expand their capabilities and realize their greatest potential. Our focus at Affinity is to support individual leaders and organizations in realizing that potential.

Affinity Leadership Group is an Atlanta based coaching and consulting practice committed to the development of leaders. We work with individual and organizational clients wanting to expand the breadth and depth of their leadership abilities. Our team of coaches and consultants draw from the advanced thinking and research in the field of leadership and deliver world-class services and programming for leaders in all walks of organizational life.